Doctor - Patient 2

Patient: Doctor, doctor, these pills you gave me for BO are no use.
Doctor: What's wrong with them?
Patient: They keep slipping from under my arms.

Doctor, doctor! I feel like a sheep.
Doctor: That's baaaaaad.

Patient: Doctor, doctor! I'm becoming invisible.
Doctor: Yes I can see you're not all there.

Young Patient: Doctor, doctor come quick, my younger brother has just swallowed my pen.
Doctor: I'll be right over - what are you doing in the meantime?
Patient: I'm using my pencil...

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I feel like a pencil.
Doctor: Can you get to the point.

Patient: Doctor, doctor, my son's just swallowed some gunpowder.
Doctor: Well, don't point him at me.

Patient: Doctor, doctor, every time I drink a cup of coffee I get a sharp pain in my nose.
Doctor: Have you tried taking the spoon out of the cup

Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking that I'm a bridge.
Doctor: Now then, what's come over you?
Patient: Two cars and a truck.

Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I think I'm a pack of cards.
Doctor: Sit down and I'll deal with you later.

Patient: Doctor, Doctor, my wooden leg is giving me a lot of pain.
Doctor: Why is that?
Patient: My wife keeps hitting me over the head with it.

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