Doctor - Patient 1

Doctor: I will examine you for twenty dollars.
Patient: Go ahead Doctor. If you find it you can have it.

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I keep seeing frogs in front of my eyes.
Doctor: Don't worry, it's only a hoptical illusion.

Patient: Doctor, doctor. Every time I stand up quickly, I see Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy.
Doctor: Ok, how long have you been having these Disney spells?

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I feel like a 10 Dollar note!
Doctor: Well go and buy something then, the change will do you good.

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I think I've gone a funny color.
Doctor: Nonsense, it's just a pigment of your imagination.

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I keep stealing things.
Doctor: Have you taken anything for it?

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I keep seeing into the future.
Doctor: When did this first happen?
Patient: Next Tuesday.

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I keep losing my memory.
Doctor: When did you first notice it?
Patient: When did I first notice what?

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I think I'm a dustbin.
Doctor: Don't talk rubbish.

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a snail.
Doctor: Don't worry, we'll soon have you out of your shell.

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