Muslim Jokes

Several years before the Gulf War, a female journalist did a story on gender roles in Kuwait. She noted that there it was customary for women to walk 10 feet behind their husbands.
After the war, she returned to Kuwait and was pleased to observe that now the men walked 10 feet behind their wives. She approached a woman at the airport and asked, "What enabled Kuwaiti women to achieve this role reversal?"
The Kuwaiti woman replied, "Land mines."

Bush and a buddy walk into a bar, the bartender asks him, "You got any final plans while your in office?"
He says "Yeah, I'm going to kill 5 million Muslims, and a blond with big tits."
"Why a blond with big tits?" asks the bartender.
Bush turns to his friend and says, "See, I told you no one cares about 5 million Muslims."

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