A Man and His Camel...

A man has been travelling through the desert for some time and hasn’t seen or heard anyone for several weeks. One night, camping by a small oasis, loneliness gets the better of him and so the man, having heard of the rumours surrounding sheepherders, convinces himself that his camel will do just fine. He grabs his stool and gets naked.
The man talks to his camel, pets it, caresses its behind and then sets his stool, steps on it and penetrates the camel. The surprised camel doesn’t seem to mind but the sand is loose and the stool constantly tips over after the third or fourth pelvic thrust.
The man keeps trying, but the stool keeps turning and he keeps slipping off.

Just then, the man hears a woman's voice - she’s crying for help. Without getting dressed, the man rushes over to the other side of the oasis to find a beautiful naked woman who’s all tied up.

The man unties her and after she tells him her story, she openly admires the man’s penis and then suggestively tells him that she’s so grateful for his help, she'll do anything to thank him.

The man smiles seductively and then says “You see that foot stool over there. Hold it while I fuck my camel!"

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